Savoie Hexapôle (unité de production) - 10 Rue Charles Montreuil - 73420 Méry
Consult our specific cutting processes

Slicer for horizontal cutting

This cutting method is used to cut cheeses from breads or buns in their length.

High cheeses are often cut into two round half-round slices and then into segments, this allows to cut thicker slices than in the original height.

Coupe Horizontale 1

Coupe Horizontale

The soft cheeses of Brie type are enriched by a filling and we allow the opening, the separation, the filling then the reconstitution to realize the parts in filled points intended for the sale.

Coupe Horizontale 2

Coupe équatoriale d’un Brie

The breads, fresh or frozen, are cut in two halves in the industrial bakeries but not totally to keep a hinge to facilitate their filling in the store.


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